How do we have to treat and take care of the skin of our face?

How do we have to treat and take care of the skin of our face?
The most important thing to have a radiant, well-groomed skin is to drink plenty of water every day, about 7-8 glasses a day, to avoid losing elasticity and flexibility prematurely, and thus preventing aging and the appearance of imperfections. It's also important to follow a diet that includes nutrients such as C vitamin, antioxidants and omega 3, and to consume them daily.
There are other factors that important for a beautiful and healthy skin, for example having a routine of hygiene and treatment adapted to the characteristics of our skin.
For cleaning, the ideal is to combine a cleansing milk and a tonic since they clean and contain moisturizing and nourishing elements that maintain humidity and don't dry out. It is also necessary to apply moisturizing and nourishing creams or anti-wrinkles ones, depending on our needs, and they can be applied in the morning and at night or combined with other specific treatments, depending on the characteristics of our skin.

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